Tracing Module In MuleSoft Application

Shyam Raj Prasad
5 min readMay 13, 2022


Tracing Module In Mule 4

Tracing module enables you to enhance your logs by adding, removing, and clearing all variables from the logging context for a given Mule event. It also enables you to modify the correlation ID during flow execution.

Uses Of Tracing Module

  • Clear all the logging variables from the event logging context.
  • Remove a logging variable from logging context.
  • Set logging variables to logging context.
  • Modify the correlation ID during flow execution

Tracing Module Application

  1. Create Mule Application: Go to Anypoint studio and create a mule project with name as mulesoft-tracing-module-integration.
  2. Add Tracing Module: In the mule palette view, click on + Add Modules and search for tracing modules. Drag the tracing module to your modules.
  3. HTTP Listener: Create a http listener with default configuration and specify the /trace as base path.
  4. MDC Logging: Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) enriches logging and improves tracking by providing more context or information in the logs for the current Mule event. By default, Mule logs two MDC entries: processor, which shows the location of the current event, and event, which shows the correlation ID of the event. Open the log4j.xml file and Replace [processor: %X{processorPath}; event: %X{correlationId}] with [%MDC].
  5. Create set variable logging : Create set logging variable for customerId and requestPath as below. In the logger, we will print the payload.
<tracing:set-logging-variable doc:name="customerId" doc:id="0222c54e-b2f3-4353-ab95-be72e993501c" variableName="customerId" value="#[payload.customerId]"/>
<tracing:set-logging-variable doc:name="requestPath" doc:id="2bcaa45d-e469-450e-99ad-a422a656ccbb" variableName="requestPath" value='#["$(attributes.method):$(attributes.requestPath)"]'/>

6. Run Application: Run application and test it out with below command.

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8081/trace' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"orderId": 54810284,
"customerId": "CUST-12934",
"items": [

7. Verify Logs: Verify the logs customerId and request path will be printed in the context path logs . Below log will be printed in the file location mentioned in log4j.xml.

INFO  2022-05-08 21:46:29,898 [[MuleRuntime].uber.07: [mulesoft-tracing-module-integration].mulesoft-tracing-module-integrationFlow.CPU_LITE @69de6b8b] [{correlationId=37e4bf90-ceea-11ec-9c4a-f84d89960c47, customerId=ARG-12934, processorPath=mulesoft-tracing-module-integrationFlow/processors/2, requestPath=POST:/trace}] logging variables: {
"orderId": 548102842,
"customerId": "ARG-12934",
"items": [

Note: You will see different logs in console with processor and event.

8. Console Log4j changes: Open log4j.xml, add Console logging in Appenders tag. Also add this reference to AsyncRoot tag.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RollingFile name="file" fileName="${sys:mule.home}${sys:file.separator}logs${sys:file.separator}mulesoft-tracing-module-integration.log"
<PatternLayout pattern="%-5p %d [%t] [%MDC] %c: %m%n"/>
<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="10 MB"/>
<DefaultRolloverStrategy max="10"/>
<Console name="Console" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
<PatternLayout pattern="%-5p %d [%t] [%MDC] %c: %m%n"/>

<!-- Http Logger shows wire traffic on DEBUG -->
<!--AsyncLogger name="org.mule.service.http.impl.service.HttpMessageLogger" level="DEBUG"/-->
<AsyncLogger name="org.mule.service.http" level="WARN"/>
<AsyncLogger name="org.mule.extension.http" level="WARN"/>
<!-- Mule logger -->
<AsyncLogger name="org.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor" level="INFO"/>
<AsyncRoot level="INFO">
<AppenderRef ref="file"/>
<AppenderRef ref="Console"/>

9. Run Application : Re-run the mule application and verify the logger, same logging will be printed in console also.

10. Remove Logging Variable: After the logger, let’s remove one of the logging variable i.e requestPath. Also after this remove logging variable, add the logger for payload.

<tracing:remove-logging-variable doc:name="requestPath" doc:id="9d960273-39bc-4589-9b1d-8cb775374c9c" variableName="requestPath"/>

11. Run Application and verify: Re-run the application, hit the endpoint and verify the logs, you will see requestPath will be removed from the context path. When you will hit the application multiple times, you will see different correlationId.

INFO  2022-05-08 22:08:11,518 [[MuleRuntime].uber.09: [mulesoft-tracing-module-integration].mulesoft-tracing-module-integrationFlow.CPU_LITE @11ace7f9] [{correlationId=3fd22371-ceed-11ec-9c4a-f84d89960c47, customerId=ARG-12934, processorPath=mulesoft-tracing-module-integrationFlow/processors/4}] logging without request path: {
"orderId": 548102842,
"customerId": "ARG-12934",
"items": [

12. Clear Logging Variable: After payload logger, lets add clear logging variable, it will remove all the logging variable which was created during flow.

13. Re-run Application and Verify: Run the application again and hit the endpoint and verify the logs. There will be no customerId logging variable.

INFO  2022-05-08 22:08:11,520 [[MuleRuntime].uber.09: [mulesoft-tracing-module-integration].mulesoft-tracing-module-integrationFlow.CPU_LITE @11ace7f9] [{correlationId=3fd22371-ceed-11ec-9c4a-f84d89960c47, processorPath=mulesoft-tracing-module-integrationFlow/processors/6}] no logging variable :: {
"orderId": 548102842,
"customerId": "ARG-12934",
"items": [

14. With Correlation Id: Let’s add with correlation id after payload logger, and change correlation Id. I have changed the correlation id to append my name. Add the payload logger into this also.

15. Run the Application: Re-run the application, hit the url again and verify the logs for with correlation payload logger. This updated correlation id will be visible only for logger available under with correlation ID.

INFO  2022-05-08 22:20:33,690 [[MuleRuntime].uber.02: [mulesoft-tracing-module-integration].mulesoft-tracing-module-integrationFlow.CPU_LITE @3b8d37c5] [{correlationId=fa14acc0-ceee-11ec-b249-f84d89960c47: shyam, processorPath=mulesoft-tracing-module-integrationFlow/processors/7/processors/0}] with changed correlation id:: {
"orderId": 548102842,
"customerId": "ARG-12934",
"items": [

16. Add payload logger: Add payload logger at the last, you can re-run the application and updated correlation id will not be available to this logger.

INFO  2022-05-08 22:20:33,696 [[MuleRuntime].uber.04: [mulesoft-tracing-module-integration].mulesoft-tracing-module-integrationFlow.CPU_LITE @3b8d37c5] [{correlationId=fa14acc0-ceee-11ec-b249-f84d89960c47, processorPath=mulesoft-tracing-module-integrationFlow/processors/8}] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.processor.LoggerMessageProcessor: {
"orderId": 548102842,
"customerId": "ARG-12934",
"items": [

Github Repo:

API Endpoint:

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8081/trace' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"orderId": 548102842,
"customerId": "ARG-12934",
"items": [




Shyam Raj Prasad
Shyam Raj Prasad

Written by Shyam Raj Prasad

Engineering Leader at Tricon Infotech Private Limited | Mulesoft Certified Developer and Architect

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